Tina, Blake, Nyah and Treyson came to visit for the week and we were able to bless Trey while they were here. We had a great time and enjoyed visiting, laughing, playing games, riding and anything else we could fit in.

Treyson Earl Tubbs on his day.

Trey being tired with the whole thing

Nyah being the great big sister holding Trey with his new blessing outfit.
The wind had been blowing hard over the night and the power had gone off, Tina just knew we were going to have a tornado. Bu

t I told her not to worry the wind was not blowing that hard. After church we all came home to eat. The power had went out again while we were at conference (it was stake conference and we blessed Trey in the High Council room right after the meeting) so instead of coming home to food cooking we came home to a cold oven. When the power finally came on we cranked the oven up to warm the ham and then enjoyed warm ham, mashed potatoes, corn, cottage cheese salad, and green salad.
Papa Bud and Treyson, Tina, Blake, Alicia, Jason, Nyah, Kristi, and Brent

Kristi and Blake racing at Bloomsberry Farm's

Papa Bud and Nyah in the bike race
Kristi, Tina, Trey, Nyah playing in the corn crib at Bloomsbery farm

The goofy bunch
Blake, Tina, Nyah, Ellen, Kristi

Blake and Nyah on Omni riding over at Bob's

Tina on "Drift" and
Nyah on the old man "Clipper"