This was taken at 6:55 AM Thursday January 15th 2009. My furnace kicks on at 5:00AM and it was having a hard time trying to warm my house up. As you can see it is very cold. By this time the schools in the area had all canceled school for the day. They were saying that the wind chill was -54 degrees. Of course Bud and I both went to work. When you are inside you just look outside and don't know how cold it really is. You just make sure you have your coat, gloves, scarf, and of course I wear my thermos.
As of Friday morning it didn't get quite as cold, it was only -18 degrees so I didn't take any pictures, the area schools had all cancelled school on Thursday evening for school on Friday.
Now Kristi's school never canceled on either day, Thurdsay or Friday. "They did have a late start on Wednesday because of the 8 inches of snow that we received Tuesday night." "They think that because you are in college you will be able to remember you hat, gloves, and scarf. Well you are wrong. Wednesday night Kristi and her girlfriend Becca were trying to start Kristi's car. They needed to plow the parking lot and she had not been able to start her car on Tuesday to move it. So as the temperatures were tumbling down Wednesday night, Kristi with no hat, (she had a coat on), Becca with no coat (she had a jacket and sweatshirt on and a hat) were trying to jump the car. Coach Jennings came out and said what are you girls doing!! He gave Kristi his hat and said give this back to me tomorrow at practice. He tried to help but the car still wouldn't start. "Looks like she needs a new battery." So as we have many hats at the house Kristi didn't have one at school, so the great shopper that she is went to the store on Thursday to buy a new hat. It was a great "Deal" she said. It was regular $16 marked down to $8 marked down to $4 and then on sale for $3 so she bought it because it matches her new jacket that Jessie and Rob gave her for Christmas. So as you can see college is teaching her math skills if nothing else. By the way she was on the Dean's List for the first Semester at School.
So…the "Dean's List" huh?
I'm sure its a good thing, and she is turning out to be a smarty like her "oldest" sister....or it could be the cool and rebellious thing and she’s trying to be like her other sister!!
Good Job either way, but you might want to wipe that brown stuff off your nose! (hehehe)
I've been watching your temperatures lately on my home page... you guys are the winner..and I'm not jealous :)
It is fun finding your blog. I hadn't noticed before that your dad had these links for some reason.
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