Sunday, March 8, 2009


Well its time for me to update my post. I have been putting it off because I knew that this needed to be the next post that I did. This is a little e-mail that Bud wrote that I decided to use it because it sums it all up. I use the first picture of Clipper that I could find. Why we don't have pictures of him when he was born I don't know but this was his first ride. "Boy does Bud look young" The last picture is a couple of days before the old man died. He had fallen on the ice out side and we were helping him back to the barn. So many pictures in between that when I tried to decide which one to use there was not enough room to put them all. So I decided on the first and the last and to all that knew him will have to remember their favorite picture of him.

January 6th 2009 The old man of the barn (Clipper) passed away, 32 years of a great opportunity to have a great horse - as they say (something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man or woman) he fit the bill and you could not ask for a better partner to build memories with - oh the game we have hunted - the horses and cattle we have roped - the states we have traveled in and the mountains we have seen the other side of - the games that we played - the barrels he turned and most important the family he raised (even some of the grand kids got the opportunity to ride him) - Definitely a living legend came to an end and a legend was born to the memory books of life.


Unknown said...

This is really very touching... Clipper was a good-ol-boy... and the memories will live with so many people.

Lainee said...

Ellen, I am sitting staring at my computer screen and crying. There aren't many horses like Clipper. You said it so well, there really are so many memories. I have a feeling he is up in heaven living in very tall grass!